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Has using the PreFlopper Poker Calculators saved you some
money? Save some more:
Check out these full-featured poker calculators
PreFlop and PostFlop play, 100+ online pokerrooms supported,
opponents stats HUD display...
UPDATE: New Features: Position, EV (Expected
Value Hole Cards), Card Rank and Sklansky Group Rating
UPDATE: If you prefer the Hutchison Points Method... Here is the
brand new Texas Hold em Points Calculator
- Click the >Preflopper Points< Button above
UPDATE: If you prefer Omaha Poker instead of Texas Hold em...
Check the new Omaha Poker Pre Flop Calculator:
- Click the >Preflopper OMAHA< Button above
New Day - New Pre Flop Calculator
Check the new OMAHA HI LO Poker Pre Flop Calculator:
- Click the >OMAHA HI-LO< Button above
UPDATE: Time for Razz and Stud poker... The new STUD Pre Flop
Poker Calculator:
- Click the >Preflopper Stud< Button above
The new STUD HI LO Pre Flop Poker Calculator:
- Click the >Preflopper Stud HILO< Button above
The new RAZZ Pre Flop Poker Calculator:
- Click the >Preflopper RAZZ< Button above
PreFlopper - The Pre Flop Poker Calculator
How should i play my Poker Starting Hands? Should i Raise, Call or Fold?
We `re not gonna make any promises we can´t
keep, but using the PreFlopper Texas Holdem Poker Calculator can
help you quit smoking, look younger and improve your sex life...
...beside these unique secret features PreFlopper is also an
Online Pre Flop Calculator Poker App that calculates the exact
winning probability of any Texas Hold'em Poker Starting Hand in
Real Time - so you'll always know whether you should call a bet by
knowing your probabilty of winning the hand. Forget about all
these Pre Flop Charts to get the precise winning odds of your Hole
Cards in Texas Hold'em Poker:
The PreFlopper Poker Calculators are simple-to-use applications
that will help you develop a solid pre-flop playing strategy for
Texas Hold'Em, Omaha, Omaha HiLo, Stud and Razz Poker. The user
interface of the applications makes it simple to understand and
very easy to use while playing in real online poker games. Whether
you use the poker calculator wizards side-by-side while playing
online, or on its own to learn a good strategy for live play, the
PreFlopper Poker Calculator is an excellent guide in helping you
understand the power of positional play so that you can start
winning more poker pots and stop losing chips from playing bad
Preflopper Texas Holdem Poker Calculator - Features included:
* Simple control over your seat with the choice of four position
* Calculation of the Expected Value (EV) of your Poker Hole Cards
* Calculation of the Card Rank of your Starting Hand
* Calculation of the Sklansky Group Rating of your Hole Cards
* Simple and easy to understand suggestions from PreFlopper,
displayed in an easy to read traffic-light style
Use PreFlopper and start improving your Pre Flop Poker play right
You want more features?
Okay, here we go: you can also set the number of poker players
according to the table you´re playing at. PreFlopper can calculate
the probabilities whether you´re in a fierce Heads-Up Match, in
any kind of short-handed poker game or sitting at a 10 players
full-table - you will always get the exact winning probability
according to the current situation.
Even more features?
Oookay one more - PreFlopper`s unbelievable Magic Traffic Lights will
also give you a basic advice (according to your preferred playing
style: loose, normal or tight) whether you should play these hole
cards or you would be better off folding that hand.
There´s no need to download or install anything - PreFlopper - The Poker Pre
Flop Calculator - is an Online Poker Tool
The preflopper tool will complement your online poker play
perfectly - see
this list of online poker rooms to get you started.
And last but not least... it´s totally free!
That´s all folks - Nothing more - Nothing less. Enough talk - let´s get started:
Click the start button... and boom goes the dynamite

What else can i do here?
Hmmm, let´s see...
to be honest at the moment - beside using PreFlopper - not very
much ;-)
PreFlopper - the Pre Flop Poker Software - is still in this famous
BETA Testing Phase and we would really appreciate any comments,
suggestions and thoughts on PreFlopper from you:
But there´s still a lot more to come... and if you join our newsletter we will drop you a line about upcoming updates and perhaps aninvitation to a special event for all of our Beta-Testers....
And ...Yes, like everyone else we hate spam. We never give your information to anyone
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